Friday, November 12, 2010

Interview with Meghan

Did you grow up in Goderich?

I have always lived in the same house in Goderich, yes.

So you have a lot of childhood memories here?
Yes, there is one story where my brother and I got locked out of our house. He was 9, and I was 7, and my parents weren’t home for some reason. My brother freaked out and took a crowbar and started attacking the door with it. You can still see the marks.

Your pretty close to your family?

Yeah, pretty much. My brother is only two years older, so we played together a lot.

Do you have a big family?
Average. Two brothers, mom and dad.

Is your whole family musical or just yourself?

My mom is music teacher and my dad has taken singing lessons his whole life. My brother was forced to do piano until he was in grade eight (piano) then he could quit. My younger brother plays the clarinet, but he’s not very good. I play piano. My mom taught herself piano, and she plays a bunch of instruments.

When did you start playing piano?
When I was four in a half. I took lessons until last year, but I am more focused on my singing lately.

Does your dad teach you how to sing?
I take singing lessons, started to taking them when I was 9 or 10. I was in a choir when I was 8. I sing at random churches sometimes when they ask. I also sing at GDCI’s coffee house.

Have you always been involved in drama?
No, I just recently started being in the production this year. Last year, I was in the Boyfriend.

Do you enjoy drama?
I do. A great deal. Drama makes you an actualized person, your generally more self-confident person because you have to come out of your shell. Drama kids are awesome. There own kind of breed.

Do you think you’ll need drama later in your career?
Definitely, I will be in operas in University and it’s a good skill to have. When I’m in front of people, I have an advantage because I have performed whereas others haven’t.

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