Wednesday, September 8, 2010

About Me

My Name is Jamie Gaudette
I currently attend GDCI and I am in my 5th year
I have lived in Goderich for 2 years
I loving playing guitar, and chilling with friends
Music is pretty much my life and I don't think i would be able to function with out it 
my days are planned around music ex. which song I wake up to, songs I get ready to, songs I drive to etc.
I am a lifeguard and swimming instructor at the Goderich YMCA,
and this summer I lifeguarded at the Cove
The thing I hate the most is having to pay so much for gas like what happened
to 2 cents a gallon (not in my time anyways)
Now that i have my G2 I cannot go any where without driving, and I am going
to get my M license so I can tour Goderich on my dream bike which will be a Harley and will be purple
I really wanted to go to collage this year but I changed my mind so I had to come
back to GDCI and pick up some more courses.
I hope to be going to Queen's in the fall of next year for teaching
I have two favorite sports that make my years go by with joy,
I have been playing baseball since I was five and have made myself play with the boy in a hard ball league
which was probably the best time of my life.
I also play rugby, I have been playing for four years not and this past summer I got asked to play on an
over 18 team which I couldn't because I was already signed up and payed for baseball.
I'm a pretty simple kid I have no problems that most teenagers have and i'm just living the life

"Be good or be good at it"