Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pictures and Song: Passing Time

Jamie and Erica's Song

Documentary: 2012: Science or Superstition

In this documentary it talked about many different facts on why or why not 2012 will be the end of life on earth or just another day in history. On December 21 2012 it is predicted that the earth will destroy itself and everything living  on its surface. Many cultures that even date back many years ago it was predicted that the world would end on Dec 21 2012. The facts are that the earth along with all of the other plantes in our universe will aline and the sun will burn everything on the surface of the earth, the earths crust will start to shift and our world as we know it will turn into a big sea of water. This ocean will be the way fo the earth cleansing it's self of all of our hazards we have developed over time. In this documentary there were many interviews with scientests and they believe that there will be an end to the world.

Like in many documentaries there was lots of "B" roll, they showed diagrams of the planets lining up, and diagrams of how the earth will look, along with many preictued pictures. There were many interviews in this documentary from many peopel who have studied this topic for quite a while.

I personally don't believe that the world will end on December 21 2012, I think just like the year 2000 where no one knew what was going to happen we will continue on with our lives like any other day in history. I know the world will eventully come to an end like many stars in the universe, it will most likely explode then rebuild itself. If my opinion is correct i will be seeing everyone on December 22 2012

Documentary: Charles Manson Then and Now (1992) Review

The documentary about charles manson was interesting but horriffic at the some time. Charles was placed in a home at a young age. With an accomplis the then stole a car and was sent to Boys Town. Manson was a very troubled teen who was sent to jevunile home, where he was given crule method of punishments. He delayed his release by several years because of his attempts to escape, and form steeling many cars. He did not get released until he turn the age of 19.  When Manson was finnially released he married a young woman and become a father shortly after, together they stole a car and headed for Calfornia. He was then arrested and was thrown in jail untill 1958, 7 years after his arrest. During this time period his wife packed up her song and their belongings and left. After Charles was released he was then arrested yet again and when released in 167 he begged to stay. Out of 32 years of Mansons life 17 of them were spent in jail. Charles Manson was then released and moved to San fransisco where he became a leader of a hippy cult. He was then blamed for telling followers to kill their mother and fathers. Manson considered him self an outcast at this time in his life, he would hang out several nights a week at the basketball court, at first alone then many others joined saying family life was hard and many other personal problems. From here Manson went into guitar playing and got caught up in drugs such as different kinds of pills and weed through which he met his first member of the Manson family. He then colllected many more women including Susan Atkins who would be the most dangerous of all the members. Charles continued to produce music, many groups "borrowed" his style of music including the beach boys who put song of his songs on their album and did not credit Manson. Charles new family consisted of drug experiences and ipen sexuallity, which lead to Charles second son. Many nights consisted of seminars on how to handle different weapons. When the Manson family attacked random members they would write sayings on the walls suck as "pigs / piggies" this was where the famous saying "helter skelter" was discovered. The police at this time thought that the many murders weren't connected and that they were copy cat murders. Police find Mansons hide out and arrest the Manson members though the police did not have any right to do so they were released, they then moved their hide out to a desert ranch that was owned by a def man. Charles Mansons rage sent some members to the closest town to tell the ranges how they were being treated and all of the crimes that were committed. Many thought that the Beatles were sending out hidden messages and Manson was interpreting them into his own ideas, which was false Manson had his own ideas. After Charles was arrested many hippies reffured to him as "the guy who spoiled the party". The documentary goes on to talk about how t-shirts and buttons saying Helter Skelter and had charles face on the front .

During the documentary I noticed that it flipped back to alot of "B" roll shots. This was how I expected this documentary to be set up because they didnt ahve great footage because of the lact of technology compaired to today. There were alot of pictures of Manson and his family or so called group. I thought this was interesting because being a group of murderers I wouldnt have thought that they would have let alot of people get pictures fo them just to keep their identity safe. In the film there were peolice fact, and maps of where the murderes were taken place. This documentary was very informational, it would have been even more exciting if there would have been footage of an interview with Manson himself.

This was one of the most interesting documentaries I have ever watched. I could not believe the information I was hearing. To go around and kill random people, that was a hard concept to consider. Also the fact that it would have been anyone, anywhere in the world to do this.